Website Launch and Music Video Release

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A few weeks ago you saw the launch of the website and the release of the “House of Make Believe” song and music video. Some of you are aware that I have been working towards this launch and the full album recording and release for the past several years (if not longer….). So how did it go?

Literally within seconds of the launch, I started receiving emails, comments and phone calls. Over the next few days, tons of responses started coming in. Here’s how it all played out in the end:

The first two days saw a hundred Facebook likes on the House of Make Believe video. By the end of 4 days, over 250 people had visited the website. After 5 days, I had received over 80 emails, comments and Facebook messages. Many new people signed up for the email newsletter and more visitors are coming in to the website every day – liking, downloading and subscribing.

So THANK YOU!!!!!! for the great response, the commenting, messaging, sharing and reposting – it has been very encouraging.

Now – it won’t stop here! I want to make my music available to the largest number of people I possibly can. You can help me tremendously by continuing to SPREAD THE WORD…. :

Post the video on your Facebook page, send an email to your friends about the website or send me the email addresses of your friends who would like to receive this newsletter also. If you need help with any of these things, email me!

I appreciate your help so much, that I have worked out the following for anyone who helps me promote:

If you get 10 people on the email newsletter, you will receive the upcoming album as a free download when it is released.

If you get 20 people on the email newsletter, you will receive the upcoming album as a physical, autographed CD when it is released.

In order to claim your award, just send me an email with the names of the people!

I appreciate your help immensely!!!


“House of Make Believe” Gets Radio Airplay