Sophistication Album Release

It’s already been a couple of weeks since the album was released – there was such a whirlwind of activity around the release that I hardly had time to post. The release went off splendidly. There were a couple of hitches with long processing times in the webstore right at the start but this was soon resolved. Very cool, after years of work, to see those orders coming in and and to know that CDs will soon be going out to people’s homes in all parts of the world. Many of you have since let me know on Facebook or otherwise that you have received and are enjoying the album. I have been very happy to hear this!

Now that the release frenzy has somewhat died down, I am looking for more ways to get the album out to as many people who like this style of music as possible. I am happy to report that I am continuing to get requests from jazz radio stations for a copy of the CD so they can play it on air. I have also had some blog coverage in the mean time as well. And I have seen a noticeable benefit from the many Facebook wall posts that have occurred since the release. So thanks everyone!

I am now getting back to making another music video. And I have a very special one planned for the future that you may be surprised about. But more about that later…

sophistication album cover.jpg

Vocal CD of the Month


eBay Auction of First Album Copy