Why I Make Music

When I grew up in Holland I used to listen to Ella Fitzgerald. No matter what was going on in the struggles of every day life, I could always put on one of those songs for a couple of minutes and it would just make me feel a lot better about the world again. Sometimes I would sit in the attic late at night and put on an Ella CD, and it was just as if she was right there in the corner, singing for me especially. Thank you Ella.

This is what I wanted to achieve when I first set out to write songs – to be able to record something in one place and have a person in another place, whom I may never have met, to sit there late at night on the other side of the world and hear those same songs and feel a little better than they may have felt before listening.

Thanks to the Internet I get a tremendous amount of feedback from fans and it absolutely thrills me to hear what everyone has to say.

In the last seven days alone, these are some of the messages I have received:

“Just the tune I needed to hear after work today, Thisbe. Simply marvelous”

“I can relax, work and enjoy life a little bit more with your sound serenading an unstable world…”

“I had tears gently rolling down my cheeks by the end. Such a beautiful song, the lyrics, the orchestration, the presentation. I grabbed my sweetheart and we danced a slow foxtrot. Thisbe, you touched my heart and soul.”

“Music can lift you up and take you away from the pressures of the day, inspire you, invigorate you and your music does that for me”

This is the reason I make music – and the only reason I can think of to be doing what I do.

Every artist has their own slant on life, their own message that they are trying to convey through this medium. I personally like to highlight the positive things in life and the good things that still exist in this world, which, due to day to day affairs and the bad news brought to you from all corners, can sometimes get overlooked.

Therefore, you could say that I live to make you a “feel a little better”, and I thank you for supporting me by giving me the opportunity to do so.


Under Your Spell Album Cake


“Under Your Spell” Music Video